SMARTLAYER3.NET is an internet domain owned by SMARTLAYER3 S.L, with tax registration number B61278495. The company´s registered address is:
Riera dels Frares, 10 3ª planta
08007 - L´Hospitalet del Llobregat
Barcelona (España)
To contact the site owner:
•Phone +34 932641047
•Click HERE to email us
Personal data
To access some parts of the web you will need to supply some personal information, which will be stored electronically in a file which is the responsibility of SMARTLAYER3 S.L, who are under an obligation to keep its contents confidential.
Right to access.
Any party whose personal information is stored in the database belonging to SMARTLAYER3 S.L is entitled to access, rectify, cancel or oppose such information. These rights may be exercised by contacting SMARTLAYER3 S.L. via any of the channels indicated above. A photocopy of the interested party´s identity document should be attached.
Purpose of compiling details.
When personal information is needed to complete a form, the user will be informed of the reason for this, the name and address of the owner of the file in which it is stored, the parties to whom the information will be made available and the user´s right to access, rectify, cancel or oppose the use of this information.
At the same time, users expressly authorise the company to send them commercial information concerning new products and services by electronic means. If users do not wish to receive this information, they can inform the company at any time by sending an e-mail to
Accuracy of data
Users must complete all forms with information which is true, accurate, complete and up-to-date. If users enter information concerning another person, it will be understood that they have been expressly authorised by this person to do so and that the latter authorises us to use the information as described above. The user is exclusively responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, that may occur to any individual as a result of completing forms with information which is false, inaccurate, incomplete or out of date.
SMARTLAYER3 S.L and its concessionaires have taken all steps legally required to protect users´ personal data. They have also implemented all technical procedures available to them to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration or theft of personal data provided by website users and unauthorised access to such data. Users should bear in mind, however, that internet security is not absolute.
This website uses cookies when users search the site. Cookies are small data files sent to the browser by the internet server which return information about each search. They are stored on the user´s computer and allow the system to record browsing patterns and preferences. The cookies used by this website are in no way invasive or harmful and do not contain any personal details. However, users who prefer to do so can disable cookies by following the instructions provided by their browser.